Mitzvot Corresponding to Body Parts


Hi, I've been having back pain on and off for a few years since my eldest was born. I understand that each part of the body is strengthened by a specific mitzvah. Do you know which mitzvot correspond to the back and ribs?



Thank you for your question.

There is no real halachic connection between the different mitzvot and different body parts. However, our sages teach us that every limb and body part is involved in mitzva observance. On this idea, there is a teaching that one who transgresses with a certain body part will lose that body part at the time of the resurrection. For example, one who sins with his hand will be missing a hand in the future.

However we do find a specific Mitsvah that one does with the back, especially the spine and that is brought in Tractate Berachot page 28b that a person should bow during the Shemone Esrey, so this could be a Segulah to heal your back pain by using it for this special mitzvah. 


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