suspicious about tax declarations
I am unsure about this,so I may well be wrong. I am suspicious that somebody is not declaring their income properly and therefore not paying the correct amount of income tax. I read though something about you should not hand a Jew over to the authorities.Or does that relate to something else. The person is not a well person mentally .Not in a huge way,it seems..But if I am correct ,they are well aware of what they are doing here. Should it be overlooked because they are not well. Or is this Lashon Hara if i speak out. Or do I have a duty to inform if reasonably suspicious.
Thank you for your question.
There is no reason to report anyone to the income tax authorities. This is especially true in your case where you write "I am unsure about this...I may well be wrong."
The ban on reporting Jews to the authorities when forbidden according to Jewish law is known as "mesira." It is a huge topic beyond the scope of this write-up. It is permitted, however, to report Jews to the authorities when they are a danger to society. A rabbi should be consulted before all such decisions.

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