Wealth and Purpose


Hi there! I have a question regarding money. I have been in a career path of building a business, but I have never made money from it and I am wondering if I am in the right path. I am passionate about taking about God and helping people and it’s a coaching business, but so far all I got was plenty of people who I serve for free. I donate money, but now I am in many thousands of dollars in debt because I invested in something that I haven’t seen the fruits of it. I managed to find a part-time job, but it’s not related to what I love doing and it doesn’t pay enough for me to pay my bills and have my own place. I am currently living at my ex-husband’s place and he’s helping me financially with what he can, that’s not enough for the life of freedom I want to live (beautiful home, able to go to places I love whenever, dress well, eat healthy, take our son to nice places, etc.). What would you recommend I do according to the Torah? I would also like to add that I became aware of a belief system that’s related to how I grew up. I find that I prefer to have a provider (a loving and faithful man who can afford to provide the above things to me) as well as make money in a career, but I also prefer to be a feminine woman and maybe there’s a belief that career women are not feminine. So I might be fighting between my desires of the heart. What does the Torah and your own experience have to say about this? I appreciate the clarity you can give me.



Thank you for your question!

Allow me to suggest that you focus on the following:

1. God. Pray regularly. Recite Psalms. Start and end your day with the “Shema” and the like. Pour your heart out to God and tell him what you need.

2. Mitzvot. Try to take on a life of Torah and mitzvot. Keeping Shabbat is a great way to start which includes lighting the Shabbat candles each week ( The time one lights candles on Friday, can be found on a Jewish calendar). So too, we are told that reciting the Birkat Hamazon, the Grace after Meals, is a “segula” (omen) for “parnasaa” (sustenance)

3. Speak with professionals who can help you in your start-up business.

4. Reconsider your priorities. You seem to emphasize your desire for a well above average style of living which will indeed require a lot of money. Perhaps consider a lifestyle a little simpler. Focus on being happy what you have. If you have a sufficient income for your needs, food, and a place to live, you are already doing better than most of the world. Wealth is nice but it won't give you "purpose" in life.

5.  Jewish women are allowed to work and don't necessarily oppose having a career, it's just about prioritizing what is important in life and that the family comes first and the job is about helping raise the family.

We wish you only blessing and success!


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