Causing Jews to Violate Yom Tov
Good moed, I live in Israel and we keep one day yom tov. Is it a problem for me to message people chutz laaretz on second day yom tov if they are not religious knowing they will be mechalel second day? Same question, if we have someone non religious over in Israel, would it be ok for me of they came on the second day by public transport as it's a normal day for me?
Thank you for your question.
It is not permitted to facilitate a Jew to violate any mitzva of the Torah. Doing so is a violation of the ban on “lifnei iver” among other transgressions.
As such, it is forbidden to send a message to chutz la’aretz on Second Day Yom Tov if it is likely that a Jew will open the message and the like.
When inviting people who should be observing two days Yom Tov, then it would depend if they live far away and can only come using a car or public transport, then it is forbidden to invite them since they will for sure desecrate the Yom Tov if however they live close by, and they don't necessarily need to come by bus then it would be permitted to invite them

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