Breastfeeding mother on a fast
My wife gave birth on the seventh of Elul (about a month before Yom Kippur). What should she do with the fast? She’s breastfeeding the child.
Dear …!
Peace and blessing unto you!
Wishing you a lot of Mazal Tov, may you merit to bring you son up for Torah, Chuppah and good deeds.
If your wife is in good health, she should fast as usual.
But if there is even a smallest suspicion that something isn’t quite right, it’s important to do a blood test in time, so that you’ll be able to get the results and consult a medical center where there is a doctor and a Rabbi before Yom Kippur.
It’s important for the woman to prepare thoroughly for the fast. This means that she has to rest the day before, and you have to give up every possible errand so as to extend her maximum help at home. Also, she has to start drinking more 48 hours before the beginning of the fast. (Liquid is collected in the cells of a human body when it’s taken in small portions over a period of time. It doesn’t help to drink a full bottle of water just before the fast starts, since most of the liquid will come right out of the body, and will not be absorbed. What we recommend is to drink a cupful of liquid every hour for at least 24 hours before the beginning of the fast.)
It's very important for the woman to be at complete rest in an air-conditioned room the whole fast day. This is more important than going out to pray.
Also, if there is need to help her take care of the kids, remember, that your wife’s fast is more important than her and your public prayers. Therefore, it is the will of G-d that this year you stay home as much as required.
And when we do what Hashem wants of us, we merit a good and blessed year.
May you be signed and sealed for a good year.

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