The High Priest / Holy of Holies


How did the high priest enter the holiest of holies? If a horse on each side could not open it…how could a man enter in to atone for sin on the mercy seat?



Thank you for your question. As you correctly note, only the High Priest was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies, and he was only allowed to do so on Yom Kippur. As such, there is a triple holiness here: The holiest man would enter the holiest place, on the holiest day of the year. The High Priest would pray for the Jewish people while he was there.

The Holy of Holies was located in westernmost section of the sanctuary in both the Tabernacle and later the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Inside the Holy of Holies was the Holy Ark which contained the holy tables of the Ten Commandments. The High Priest would sprinkle the blood of the animals that were sacrificed on Yom Kippur on the Holy Ark, namely, a bull that was offered for a personal atonement for the High Priest and his family and a goat that was offered for atonement for the entire Jewish people. He would also offer incense on the Holy Ark.

There was a special curtain, known as a parochet, which divided the Holy of Holies from the other sections of the sanctuary. There were pictures of the Cherubim angels woven onto the parochet.

The Holy of Holies measured twenty cubits by twenty cubits. As such, it was easily large enough for the High Priest to enter on his own. I don't understand your reference to horses. A special celebration broke out when the High Priest would exit the Holy of Holies in peace after having gained atonement for the Jewish people.


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