Yom Kippur Fast - Bariatric Surgery
Hello, I am less than a year after bariatric surgery (mini bypass). The doctor said before the surgery that I would be forbidden to fast for a year (and more), but 10 days after the surgery, I had a complication. All the stitches in my abdomen opened, I was in a critical condition (between life and death), and I was hospitalized for almost a month, plus a few more months of recovery (thank God, everything is back to normal now). But I was told then, after the emergency, to be careful and not to forget to eat every 3 hours. The question now is, I am a little less than 10 months after the surgery; would it be permissible for me to drink water because until today I feel dizzy when I don't eat something or drink water. What does the Halacha say about this?
You should eat and drink in measures.
Drinking 'in measures' is 40 ml of drink every 9 minutes.
Eating 'in measures' is 30 ml of food every 9 minutes.
Shulchan Aruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 618

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