Vaping: Tisha B'av


Can you vape on Tisha baav



Thank you for your question.

There is far more to discuss about vaping than merely if it is permitted to do so on a fast day.

For those unfamiliar, vaping and e-cigarettes are handheld electronic devices that simulates the experience of smoking. Instead of tobacco, one inhales a heated liquid containing propylene glycol, glycerin, flavoring, and nicotine. The invention of these devices was originally hailed as beneficial as it helped wean people off of cigarettes. Unfortunately, however, it have become a danger, addiction, and obsession in its own right.

Vaping is a dangerous thing to do. We are commanded to take care of our bodies and not harm them in any way, as it says, "Beware and watch yourself very well" (Devarim 4:9) and "And you shall watch yourselves very well" (Devarim 4:15).

Vaping also possess kosher concerns. One of the main ingredients in the vaping “juice” is glycerin. Glycerin can be derived from vegetable sources or animal ones, the latter, of course, being non-kosher. This is why any product that shows glycerin in its ingredients must have, without exception, kosher certification. Otherwise, one might be consuming severely forbidden foods/substances. Although there might be leniencies to inhale such glycerin based vapors, it is definitely not something a committed Jew should do.

Even if one is able to overcome the halachic challenges posed above, and vaping would be deemed generally permitted for you, it would still be forbidden to vape on any fast day because swallowing the taste is similar to drinking.


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