Preparing the clothes before the Nine Days


Is it necessary to wear the ironed and laundered clothes before the Nine Days, and is it sufficient to place them on the floor and step on them (while barefoot)?


Preparation by wearing has a clear source in the words of the Remo in the laws of mourning.
Preparation by throwing on the floor also has a source in the words of the decisors there.


Shulchan Aruch, section Yoreh Deah, chapter 389, paragraph 1.
Book Kerem Shlomo (Yoreh Deah, ibid.) in the name of Lechem Hapanim
See Responsa Minchat Yitzchak (Part 10, chapter 44) who writes that it seems to be more correct to prepare by wearing, and only if this is not possible, one can prepare by throwing to the ground.


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