Hearing the shophar in Elul


(A question asked by a woman.) Up to this year I used to live in a dormitory, and in the month of Elul I used to hear the blowing of the shophar every single day. Now I moved out and it’s exceedingly difficult for me to go to a synagogue every morning. Do I still have to go, and if not, do I have to do the annulment of vows? Thank you


There is a custom to blow the shophar in the synagogue every day of the month of Elul. However, there is no obligation for every individual to hear the blowing of the shophar. Therefore, someone who didn’t pray in a quorum (minyan) isn’t included in this custom, and doesn’t have to hear the shophar; there is no obligation to make an effort to go to find a shophar blowing.

Even though you used to hear the blowing of the shophar every day for a period of time, there is no obligation to perform the annulment of vows, unless you intentionally took upon yourself the commitment to hear it every day.


Shulchan Oruch, part Orach Chaim, ch. 581, §1


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