Pomegranate on Rosh Hashana
Dear Rabbi! I really don’t like pomegranates; do I have to eat one on Rosh Hashana? My family is very particular about keeping this custom, but for me it’s very difficult to eat it. Thank you very much
Good evening!
Eating things that have the significance of being a good sign is an extremely ancient custom. It’s mentioned in the Talmud. However, it’s unclear, whether the Talmud states that one has to eat them, or just see them.
It’s also mentioned that one should not eat things that are very bitter or very sour on Rosh Hashana, not eating them is also an omen for a good and sweet year. Therefore, it would make sense for you not to eat things that you don’t like, and fulfill the custom by just seeing the pomegranate.
But, as the authorities state, the main thing isn’t eating or seeing good things, but a prayer to G-d that He send us a good and blessed year. Different types of food are just a reminder of this.
Tractate Horayos 12a; Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 583, §1

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