Purim Prayers
Shalom Rabbi, Do we do our three regular prayers for Purim plus read Esther? Are there any additions?
Thank you for your question.
One must perform seven mitzvot on Purim. 1) reading the Megilla twice – once at night and again during the day 2) mishlo’acĥ manot (sending gifts of two types of food to a friend) 3) matanot la’evyonim (giving gifts to at least two poor people) and 4) holding a festive meal.(The Halchachot of these mitzvot can be found on our website).
In terms of prayer on Purim: there is a special Torah reading, we add “Al Hanissim” in the Shenoneh Esrei and in the Birkat Hamazon. There are also no eulogies delivered on Purim and fasting is forbidden.

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