The Mitzvah of 'Ad Delo Yada': Wine or Vodka
Hi, the problem I have is that I have an intolerance to drinking wine. Is it okay if I drink another alcoholic beverage like vodka? And do I really have to get totally drunk?
Thank you for your question.
Let’s first learn together about the mitzvah of getting drunk on Purim.
It says in the Gemara, Mesechet Megillah, as follows:
תלמוד בבלי מסכת מגילה דף ז עמוד ב
אמר רבא: מיחייב איניש לבסומי בפוריא עד דלא ידע בין ארור המן לברוך מרדכי.
Rava said: A person is obligated to become intoxicated on Purim until they can no longer distinguish between 'cursed is Haman' and 'blessed is Mordechai'.
The Mishneh Berurah, siman 695, seif katan 2, writes that a person should praise Hashem for the miracle that not only did He save us from the wicked Haman and brought about his downfall in a miraculous way, but he should also praise Hashem for the miracle that Hashem exalted Mordechai. A person should get so intoxicated that he would not be able to differentiate between the two goods.
The Yad Efraim explains that the numerical value of ארור המן (Cursed is Haman) is the same as ברוך מרדכי (Blessed is Mordechai), both being 502. Thus, the Yad Efraim explains that the intent of this halacha is for one to become so intoxicated that he would not be able to calculate this.
The opinion of the Mechaber:
The Shulchan Aruch brings the halacha as written above, stating that a person should get so drunk that he does not distinguish between 'blessed is Mordechai' and 'cursed is Haman'.
Even though the opinion of the Mechaber is that one should actually get drunk, one should not become so intoxicated that it leads to neglecting mitzvot such as netilat yadayim, birchat hamazon, Mincha, or Maariv. Nor should it cause one to behave frivolously קלות ראש - .
The opinion of the Rema:
The Rema writes that this halacha does not mean that one should become excessively drunk. Rather, one should drink enough to become tired, and then he should go to sleep, while sleeping, he will not have the ability to differentiate between 'ארור המן' (Cursed is Haman) and 'ברוך מרדכי' (Blessed is Mordechai).
So, Le’halacha; one should eat on the morning of Purim a kebeitza of bread, and then have meat and drink wine, and then go to sleep. This is the optimal way to fulfill the mitzvah of 'עד דלא ידע'
Those who are lienent and drink a little and do not go to sleep, could be, that their leniency is based on the Taz, 695, seif katan 2, who brings the opinion of Rabbeinu Efraim, that since the incident that occurred in the times of the Gemara (Megillah Page 7), where two rabbis got so drunk that one slaughtered the other, and then had to pray to Hashem to save his life, and he ultimately did survive. Since then, the obligation to drink was nullified by Chazal. (There lienency could also be based on the opinion of the Chayei Adam).
Those who get totally drunk on Purim have halachic opinions on which they can rely
The above halachot apply only to men, since women and children are not obligated in this mitzvah.
Is it only wine?
It is brought in Mesechet Megillah page 7b that the mitzvah should be specifically by drinking wine.
This is brought le’halacha in the Rambam Hilchot Purim: Perek 2, Halacha 15:
How is the obligation of this feast [to be fulfilled]? He should eat meat and prepare a fine meal , and drink wine until he becomes intoxicated and falls asleep in his drunkenness.
However, in your case, if it is difficult to drink wine, Hagaon Harav Amrom Fried Shalita writes that you can drink any alcoholic beverage to fulfill this Mitzvah.
Wishing you a Purim Sameach.
- Talmud, Mesechet Megillah 7b
- Mishneh Berurah, Siman 695, Seif Katan 2
- Yad Efraim
- Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, Siman 695
- Rema on Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, Ibid
- Taz, Siman 695, Seif Katan 2
- Ran on Mesechet Megillah, Page 7
- Chayei Adam on Purim Laws
- Rambam, Hilchot Purim, Perek 2, Halacha 15
- Azamro Lishmech page 125

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