Machatzis Hashekel
Who is obligated to give Machatzis Hashekel and where does the money go?
Thank you for your question.
The obligation begins at the age of 13. However the Minhag is to give even for children below 13, and to give for an unborn child as well. Many have the custom to give for one's wife and daughters.
The prevalent custom nowadays for Bney Ashkenaz is to give three half shekel coins for Machatzis Hashekel. Some give three half silver dollars but since this is not a coin with buying power in Eretz Yisrael, one should also give 3 half shekels. Some have the custom to give the amount of 9.6 gram of silver, most Sephardi people have this custom. even those that have a custom like this do not need to do so for their children, it would be enough to give 3 half coins for them. The price would be today (year 2025) 42 shekels
It must be noted that Machatzis Hashekel may not be given from Ma'aser money, as Ma'aser may not be used for “obligations” only for “extras.” One may not use Ma’aser money even to give Machatzis Hashekel on behalf of boys below the age of 13 or for females.
The money collected for Machatzis Hashekel should be distributed to poor people. (Or it may be given as a donation to cover the expenses of the synagogue)
OC 694:4; Magen Avraham, 694:1; Mishna Berura 694:5; Mishna Shekalim 1:3); Leket Yosher; Levush OC 686; Elya Rabbah, Yosef Ometz; Siddur Yaavetz

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