Fast of Esther
Who does not have to fast on Taanit Esther?
Thank you for your question.
The laws of when one is allowed to break one’s fast on Taanit Esther are more lenient than any other fast. This is because the Fast of Esther is not like the other fasts as it was not instituted by the prophets like the other minor fast days were. (Rema, OC 686:2). The status of Taanit Esther is considered a custom.
As such, pregnant (from when she knows she is pregnant even during the first 40 days) or nursing women even if she is partly nursing (however if she isn't actually nursing, even if she is within two years of the birth, she needs to fast) are not required to fast on Taanit Esther. (Mishna Berura 686:4). A woman who gave birth within 30 days does not fast - we are lienent to count the 30 days מעת לעת. So too, one who suffered a miscarriage after 40 days of carrying does not fast, for 30 days following the miscarriage. One who is ill, meaning, one who is stuck in bed or has pain all over his body does not have to fast, since he is considered as a ' Choleh she'eyn bo sa'kana'
Even one with a simple headache or eye pain, and the like, does not need to fast even though he is otherwise functioning normally. Nevertheless, such a person should make up the fast on another day.
But of course, one should make every effort to fast like everyone else.
Children under Bar/Bat mitzva do not have to fast.

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