Bedikat Chametz
How and why is Bedikat Chamtez performed? TY!
Thank you for your question.
The requirement to search one’s home for Chametz on the night before Pesach, which is the 14th of Nissan, is referred to as the “Bedikat Chametz.” The purpose of this search is for one to find chametz that one may not be aware that one had! (1) Chametz found during the search is put aside and burned the next morning.
The search should be performed immediately at nightfall. (2) Once it is dark outside, one may not engage in any other activities before performing the Bedikat Chametz. (3) The Bedikat Chametz is a rabbinical enactment intended to better prevent the possibility of finding chametz on Pesach and, by exntesion, being tempted to eat it. (4) One is only required to search rooms that one may have entered with chametz during the course of the year. (5)
The search is traditionally performed by the light of a candle. In some families, the electric lighting in the home are left on during the search while in others the lighting is turned off in order to allow the candle’s light to dominate.(6) Bedikat Chametz may be performed with a flashlight if need be.
Common custom is to “hide” ten pieces of chametz throughout the home before the Bedikat Chametz. This is to ensure that at least some chametz will be found during the search. (7) However, even if, for whatever reason, no chametz is found, the mitzva is still considered to have been fulfilled in its entirety. (9) This is because the mitzva is not necessarily to find chametz, but rather merely to search for it. For this reason, there are those who do not hide any chametz before the search. (10) When hiding the 10 pieces of bread, nine of the pieces should be less than a "kezayit" - an ounce, and one piece should be a kesayit. one should be careful where he placed the pieces and it's advisable to write down the hiding places, to avoid them from getting lost.
[1] Pesachim 2a; OC 431:1.
[2] Mishna Berura 431:1.
[3] OC 431:2.
[4] Mishna Berura 431:2.
[5] OC 431:1.
[6] Piskei Teshuvot 431:2.
Rema, OC 432:2;
itzur Shulchan Aruch
[8] Rema, OC 432:2.
[9] Shaar Hatziun 432:11; Teshuvot Hara’avad 84.
[10] Sha’arei Teshuva 432:3.
[11] Azamroh Lishmecho Moadim p.142,7.

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