Got ready to go sleep outside the sukkah, but the rain stopped
It was raining on the night of the Sukkot. So, I got ready to go to sleep at home. But before I actually went to bed, the rain stopped. Do I have to take my bed down to the sukkah again and do I have to go downstairs myself to sleep in the sukkah?
The law is that someone who got ready to sleep at home because it was raining in the sukkah, and already prepared his bed and spread the sheets, can go to sleep at home even if the rain already stopped. He doesn’t have to go to the trouble of preparing his bed again. Also, if he already got dressed for bed, and in order to go downstairs to the sukkah, he’d have to change into his regular clothes again, he isn’t obligated to do that. He can go to sleep at home.
However, it’s worth following a more stringent opinion in this matter, according to which, if the rain stopped before the person actually lay down to sleep, he is obligated to sleep in the sukkah.
Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 639, § 7, Mishnah Berurah, subsection 40, Shaar ha-Ziun subsection 77
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