Sleeping in the Sukkah during hot weather
Given that there is a rule that a Sukkah which is not suitable for dwelling because of discomfort is not valid ab initio, what should one do if he does not have a budget to buy an air conditioner for the Sukkah, and without an air conditioner, he cannot fall asleep?
Dear …!
In 'Azamrah Leshimcha on Sukkot', our teacher the Rabbi Fried SHLIT”A writes that if one cannot fall asleep at night, one should acquire an air conditioner for the sukkah (one can use a portable air conditioner). One is obligated to spend up to one fifth of one’s assets for this.
Shulchan Aruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 640, paragraph 4. 'Azamrah Leshimcha' 181
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