Hanukkah Night One: Number of Candles
Hello! I am an artist that was asked to make a graphic celebrating the first day of Hanukkah. I am not Jewish and want to make sure I have the correct candles lit on my graphic. If I were to be looking at the menorah, would it be the center and the far left candle lit? I have been researching into this holiday for a while now and want to make sure I represent the ceremony correctly! Thank you!
Thank you for your question.
On the first night of Chanuka the candle on the far right is lit as one faces the Chanuka Menora.
There is also the "Shamash" candle that is used to light the actual candles.
After the candle(s) are lit, the Shamash is placed in a distinct place either on the Menorah, usually higher than the other candles, or a place next to the menorah.
Hope this helps!

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