Lighting the Chanukah Menorah: Timing
Which is preferred: lighting the Chanukah menorah before or after praying maariv?
Thank you for your question.
It seems that your custom is to light at night (Ts'ies Hakochavim) so some light light the Menorah a little before the time of Ma'ariv so in this manner they light the Menorah right away. However, if people do wait till the time of Ma'ariv, they should recite Maariv before lighting the Chanuka candles. This is due to the principle of “the more frequent mitzva is to take precedence.” However, in the event, for example, that you will be able to recite Maariv with a minyan at a later hour, you may le'chatchilah light the Menorah first at the regular time according to your custom.

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