Placement of the menorah at the Kotel on Chanukah
We light the menorah on Chanukah in the synagogue, zecher l'mikdash, in remembrance of the Beit HaMikdash, because the synagogue is a mikdash me'at, a miniature Beit HaMikdash. As part of the remembrance, the menorah is placed on the south side of the synagogue. My question is why isn't the menorah at the Kotel placed on the south side of the men's section, instead of directly in front of the Kotel?
Thank you for your question.
You are correct that in most synagogues the Menora is placed on the southern wall “zecher l’mikdash” to remember how it was positioned in the Beit Hamikdash.
That being said, placing it on the Southern wall is not a true halachic requirement. In situations where there are considerations to position the Menorah in a different manner, it is permitted to do so.

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