Washing Hands after Using the Washroom


After using the bathroom, after washing your hands inside the bathroom with soap, does one need to wash their hands with a cup and pour onto each hand three times with a Bracha (al netilat yadayim)?



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Our sages teach that there is a “ru’ach ra’ah,” an impure spirit that is found in bathrooms which leaven an impurity on one’s hands. In order to remove that impurity the ritual washing with a cup is required. This is cited in the Shulchan Aruch, OC 3:18 and Mishna Berura.

However, Rav Fried holds like the Eliya Rabba 4:12 that while washing with a cup is commendable Me'ikar Hadin it suffices to wash one’s hands with soap and water as one sees fit.

According to all opinions a blessing is not reciting upon any bathroom related hand washing. One recites the "Asher Yatzar" blessing after drying one's hands.


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