Blessing on a Tallit


If I take off my talit (not wearing tzitzit), am I allowed to make a new blessing on the tallit when putting it back on? I know the mishna berura says no. But if I want to make the new blessing…



Thank you for your question.

First of all, let me just share with you that as a general rule, when in doubt, a blessing is not recited. There can only be more harm than good when one recites a blessing when one shouldn’t.

A blessing is not recited on a Tallit that was removed for a few moments, such as when a Tallit is taken off for a short to leave the synagogue and then return. This is true even if it has been half an hour or longer since it was taken off. So too, one who goes to the bathroom does not make a new blessing when putting the Tallit back on upon exiting the bathroom.

Here are some other relevant rulings that might be of interest:

One who removes a Tallit with the intention not to put it back on will be required to recite a blessing when it is eventually put back on.

One who removes one’s Tallit in order to put on another Tallit and then changes one's mind will be required to recite a new blessing on the original Tallit since there was Ha'sachat ha'daat.

One who puts on a second Tallit/Tzitzit garment will recite a blessing if one did not have the second garment in mind when the first one was put on.

One who folds up and puts away one’s Tallit in its bag will be required to recite a blessing when/if it is put on again. This is because the act of folding and putting away the Tallit is a declaration that one has concluded the mitzva, and indeed, it has ended. Hence, when “re-starting” the mitzva a new blessing will be required. Unless he put it away by mistake thinking the davening is over only to realize its Rosh Chodesh then he may re-wear the tallit without a Bracha.

The general rule is that questions/answers on when to recite a blessing on a Tallit are similar to questions/answers on when to recite a blessing on food.


OC 8 with commentaries


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