Tzitzit Tshirt with zippable sides


For reference, I am an orthodox giyuret and my husband is on the path to becoming a Baal Teshuva. We follow Sephardic minhag and we recently married on ז חשבן. Dear Rabbi, I am seeking a gift for my husband for his birthday and I would like it to be one that makes him happy and excited about his journey. I found an oleh online who makes tzitzit shirts that one can unzip the sides to create the four corners for the bracha but can be zipped back up when working. There are even small pockets inside to prevent the tzitzits from getting dirty or damaged if one needs to protect them. However, my question is is this halakhically permissible to wear a garment that, unlike a talit katan, can be zipped up to do away with the four corners? I never thought I would ask a question like this but I don't want to purchase something just because it looks cool and my husband would enjoy it if it isn't kosher. Thank you for your time.




Thank you for your question.

Buying tzitzit for your husband is a wonderful idea, and since this is a way that he will come closer to keeping Torah and Mitsvot, one may be lenient and buy such a kind of Tsisit.


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