Dropped Tefillin Shel Yad
I dropped my tefillin shel yad this morning. I was taking it off, and it fell out of my hand and landed on the floor. Yesterday was Shiva Asar Bitamuz, so I had fasted all day, and it's difficult for me to fast for a second day in a row. It's now 1:42pm and I haven't eaten all day. When am I allowed to eat? Is there an option to learn torah instead of fasting, and if so, how much do I need to learn for that purpose?
Thank you for your question.
One who dropped his tefillin should make amends by engaging in Torah study (In Yeshivah it would be one seder) without interruption, especially without speaking (known as a "taanit dibbur"), or to give an extra portion of tzedaka.

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