Torah Reading: Standing and Bowing for Barchu


Dear Rabbi In my holy congregation, on Torah reading days, there a number of people. who do not arise fully to answer barechu for each aliyah, Rather they give a small token lift off their chair. To me it seems like a bizayon to Hashem, but many, otherwise respectable people, are behaving in this way. Is there any leniency for this in the Ashkenazi community, and what would be the source? Chodesh Tov



Thank you for your question!

You are right it is important to stand by Barchu as written in the Mishnah Berurah.

The Mishna Berura (146:18) rules that even those who do not stand for the Torah reading should still stand for Barchu. According to some, standing for Barchu is so important, it is actually the primary reason that one stand during the entire Torah reading: so that one not mistakenly be seated when a Barchu is recited! 


Magen Avraham 146:2, Taz 146:1, Be’er Heitev 146:5, Aruch Hashulchan 146:8, Kaf Hachaim, OC 146:20-22


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