Women's Prayer Obligations


Hello, According to Halacha, is a woman obligated to daven daily? If so what should she daven?



Thank you for your question.

A woman should daven Shacharit and Mincha.

Regarding Shacharit, she does not need to say the whole tefillah, however, if she does 'Tavoh al'eha Bracha'

The parts she is obligated are: Birkat Ha'torah and the morning blessings, the “tamid” section of the korbanot, Baruch She’amar, Ashrei, Yishtabach, the passuk of 'Shema' and 'Baruch Shem' (she does not need to recite the three parshiyot), and from “Emes V’yatziv” until the end of the Shemoneh Esrei.

At Mincha it is enough for her to just say the Shemoneh Esrei without Ashrey or Aleynu.

Women Are Exempt from the Ma'ariv prayer.

If a woman is so busy with the children that she does not have any time to pray, even the minimum amount as written above,  she is exempt (since she is occupied with a mitsvah).


OC 106


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