Deadlines: Shacharit and Hallel


Can you say shachris and halel after time?



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The preferred deadline for reciting Shacharit each day is the end of the fourth hour. If one wasn't able to say it earlier than it may be recited until chatzot – halachic noon,  With regard to reciting Birkat Keriat Shema at this time (between the fourth hour and Chatzot), it would depend on the custom:

Ashkenaz: if the delay was caused by an 'oynes' (an unavoidable circumstance), then one may recite Birkat Keriat Shema. If, however, that was not the case, then one may not recite Birkat Keriat Shema.

According to the Sefardi custom, even in a case of 'oynes' (an unavoidable circumstance), one is not allowed to recite Birkat Keriat Shema at this time.

Hallel should best be recited after Shemoneh Esrei in the morning, but in an emergency, it may be recited until sunset.


Brachot 26a; Rambam, Tefilla 3:1; OC 89:1


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