Different Nusach than the Shul


How should I pray when I am in a shul whose Nusach is different than my own?



Thank you for your question.

Indeed, there is much discussion on how one who finds himself in a congregation whose nusach is different from one’s own should conduct oneself.

One should always pray in one’s own nusach , even when in a congregation whose nusach is different from one’s own.

Therefore, one should recite all prayers that are recited quietly (such as the Shemoneh Esrei) in one’s own nusach even if it differs from the congregational nusach . When the order or wording of one’s personal nusach differs from that of the congregation, one should recite those sections quietly. For example, one who prays in Nusach Sefard, and begins Pesukei D’zimra with Hodu, should do so quietly when praying in a Nusach Ashkenaz congregation where Pesukei D’zimra begins with Mizmor Shir Chanukat Habayit L’David.

Prayers that are recited out loud and are dependent on a minyan should be recited in the nusach of the congregation. Therefore, one should respond to Kedusha, and the like, using the nusach of the congregation. However, if he says it quietly he may say it according to to his own Nusach. So too, one should recite Vidui before Tachanun along with the congregation, even if one does not ordinarily do so. 

Although one who leads the services must do so in the nusach of the congregation, there is much discussion regarding what nusach one should use when reciting the silent Shemoneh Esrei. According to some authorities, the one leading services should recite all prayers, including the silent Shemoneh Esrei, in the nusach of the congregation regardless of one’s personal nusach . Among the reasons for this is to allow him to “practice” the unfamiliar nusach and thereby better prepare himself for the repetition. Other authorities disagree and rule that it is perfectly acceptable for the one leading services to recite the silent Shemoneh Esrei in his own personal nusach . Le'halacha is like this opinion and the Chazzan should recite according to his own Nusach when reciting the silent shemoneh esrey.


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