IVF treatment and prayer
I am experiencing infertility. My husband and I desperately want a family. Is it right to do IVF? Am I selfish for praying for a child? I worry that it isn’t gods plan.
Thank you for your question.
I understand your confusion about what is the right thing to do and in need of direction. I would recommend contacting Bonei Olam https://www.boneiolam.org/ who help people with consultations to get the right treatment all in accordance with the Halacha.
Praying for a child is very special, it says in the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yevamot 64a, is as follows:
Rabbi Isaac said: "Why were our ancestors barren? Because the Holy One, Blessed be He, yearns for the prayers of the righteous."
Hashem loves your Teffilot so keep on davening and like our forefathers were answered so too may you Tefilot be answered speedily.
Wishing you lots of success
Tractate Yevamot 64a

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