Washing Before Bread


Should I wash my hands 2 or 3 times before eating bread?



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The Shulchan Aruch (OC162:2) writes that “One who washes one’s hands should first pour a small amount of water on them, less than a revi'it, in order to remove any dirt from one’s hands. One then pours water a second time on the hands. This water is also impure. One then pours water a third time in order to purify the water that is on one’s hands. But if one's hands were clean, and there were no intervening substances on them, one merely pours one revi’it of water on both hands. A second pouring is not needed.”

The Rema adds that one “…can first wash one’s hands to clean them and then pour a revi'it on one’s hands. A third washing is not needed.”

The Mishna Berura (162:21), commenting on these instructions, encourages everyone to always wash their hands at least twice even if they are clean.

Kabbalistic sources (see Kaf Hachaim 162:14) teach that one should always pour water three times on each hand. Many Chassidim and Sefardim follow this view.


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