Bread into Salt
Why do we dip our bread into salt?
Thank you for your question.
Indeed, after reciting the hamotzi blessing, it is proper to dip one’s bread into salt before eating it. This is in order to recall that a table is compared to an altar, and the food that one eats is compared to an offering. All offerings in the Beit Hamikdash were accompanied with salt. Some have the custom not to dip bread into salt on Friday nights in order to recall that no offerings were ever brought on the altar on Friday nights.
Another reason that we dip bread into salt is to ensure that it is tasty. According to this explanation, one who prefers a different condiment may dip his bread into that item instead. Similarly, bread that is already seasoned or spiced need not be dipped into salt. It is for this reason that most people don’t dip sandwiches or pizza into salt before eating them.
However, according to Kabbalah one should indeed dip bread into salt, even on Friday night, and even tasty bread like pizza.
There is a widespread custom to dip the bread into salt three times, a practice that is based on kabbalistic teachings. It is also noted that the word for salt, melach , has a gematria of 78, which is three times the gematria of the Shem Havaya name of God (26). The kabbalists teach that one should have the words bread and salt in mind when dipping bread into salt, as both words are composed of the same letters. It is also taught that bread represents “mercy” and salt represents “judgment.” By dipping bread into salt we are, in effect, symbolizing the preference for mercy over judgment.
Vayikra 2:13; Berachot 40a; Rema, OC 167:5;
Mishna Berura
Kaf Hachaim
, OC 167:37

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