Throwing Bread/Challah
Is there a Halacha of not throwing challah around the table?
Thank you for your question!
Indeed, bread is to be treated especially respectfully. If, for some reason, bread remaining from a meal will not be put to further use, it should be wrapped in a bag and then respectfully placed in the trash. Crumbs and other small leftover pieces of bread which, for whatever reason, will not be eaten may be thrown directly into the trash, however, because throwing away even crumbs can lead a person to poverty, it should also be treated with respect by covering it in a bag before throwing away.(1) So too, items which are whole and intact, such as a small cracker, should be treated with respect even if they are very small, and place in a bag.
One should not brush crumbs from the table to the floor or step on crumbs that are already on the floor. (3) Indeed, we are told that mistreating crumbs can lead to poverty. (4) So too, hanging bread on a hook (5) can lead to poverty.(6)
Bread should never be thrown even if it will not be ruined as a result. This is due to the extra level of respect given to bread as it is the mainstay of life. (7) Nevertheless, there is a custom in some families on Shabbat to toss pieces of challah from which the hamotzi blessing was recited to all those around the table. The practice is justified by the Ketav Sofer who explains that the hamotzi is comparable to the limbs of the offerings in the Beit Hamikdash, which were tossed into the fire on the altar.
1. OC 180:3.
2. Mishnah Berura 180:10; Aruch Hashulchan, OC 180:4; V’zot Habracha pg. 18.
3. Ben Ish Chai, Pinchas 12; OC 180:4; Mishnah Berura 180:9.
4. OC 180:4.
5. Pesachim 111b.
6. OC 180:4.
7. Beit Yosef, OC 171; OC 171:1; Mishna Berura 167:88, 171:9.

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