Birkat Hamazon
Are we supposed to clean off the table before the Birkat Hamazon?
Thank you for question.
One should indeed tidy up the table in preparation for Birkat Hamazon and remove any empty serving dishes from the table. However, the tablecloth and any bread remaining from the meal should remain on the table until after Birkat Hamazon. Indeed, it is important to leave bread on the table until after Birkat Hamazon, as doing so is said to be a sign of blessing. So too, it is explained that blessings – and we pray for many in the Birkat Hamazon – can only take effect when there is something for the blessing to rest upon or attach itself to. This is largely based on the episode when Elisha told Ovadia’s wife that blessing would only come as long as a small amount of oil was in her possession. This is because G-d prefers to bring blessing where there is something for it to be attached to, rather than to create blessing from nothing. Additionally, it ensures that food will be readily available should a poor person come knocking at one’s door in search of food.
If, for whatever reason, there remains no bread on the table, one should not bring out a new loaf of bread simply in order to recite Birkat Hamazon. It is explained that doing so is reminiscent of an ancient idolatrous practice. If one wants, however, one should bring some slices of bread to the table, in order for there to be bread on the table during the recitation of Birkat Hamazon, The Mishneh Berurah writes that if one doesn't have slices of bread, then one may be lenient and bring even a new loaf of bread to the table.
Sanhedrin 92a; Tosafot, Berachot 42a; OC 180:1, 2; Mishna Berura 180:2; Kaf Hachaim , OC 180:5; Biur Hagra , OC 180:5; Ben Ish Chai, Parashat Shelach; Kaf Hachaim , OC 180:7.

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