New Fruit
What comes first when reciting the blessing on a new fruit? The blessing on the fruit or the Shehecheyanu?
Thank you for your question.
The Mishna Berura rules (225:11) that when one is going to recite the blessing on the fruit as well as the Shehecheyanu one should first say the blessing of Shehecheyanu, followed by the blessing on the fruit, and then eat the fruit.
There is no concern that doing so might be a forbidden interruption between the Shehecheyanu and the eating of the fruit. This is because the blessing of Shehecheyanu was actually instituted primarily to be recited upon SEEING a new fruit, not necessarily eating it. Even though nowadays we do not recite Shehecheyanu on merely seeing a new fruit (and only when we eat it) there is still no concern for an interruption since the blessing can really be said on seeing the fruit.
The other custom also cited by the Mishna Berura is for one to recite Ha’eitz and then recite Shehecheyanu. (some eat a little of the fruit between Ha'eits and shehecheyanu)
Le'halcha whichever custom you have is ok. However, one who has no set custom in this matter should follow the first approach.

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