Pizza deep fried


I have a hamotzi pizza which has been breaded and deep fried is the braacha now mezonot ?



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I understand that it was already baked (and edible) and then you deep-fried it. The Halacha is that once baked as bread it stays like bread, and one should recite Hamotzi.

This Halacha is when each piece is at least a kezayit (like the size of a small match box)

if it was broken up so each piece is less than a kezayit the halacha is as follows:

If it was fried in deep oil, then it is Mezonot.
if there was a little amount of oil just so it shouldn't stick to the pan, then the bracha is Hamotzi
in a middle case, that there was more oil but not deep fried, then one should eat it during a hamotzi meal since this is a safek Halacha as to what Bracha to recite.

If however, when it was a dough you deep-fried it, then the Bracha is Mezonot like the Bracha of a doughnut, however, if you are eating a Hamotzi meal it would be better to eat it during that meal.


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