

When eating different foods that have the same Beracha, Do you make the same beracha over again?



Thank you for your question.

Here are some rules for you to know:

1. A bracha is valid for all foods of the same bracha that you intend to eat at the time you said the bracha. Therefore, one who recites “shehakol” on a candy will include soda or any other shehakol drinks that one wished to drink with the candy. One may eat any other “shehakol” item if one had it in mind.

2. If one did not have intent to include other foods when you recited the bracha on the first food, then the following consideration will apply: if it is more of the same food a new bracha will not be needed. So if one says ha’eitz on an apple, one may eat more apples even if one did not intend to do so.

3. Any food of same bracha category that is in front of you when you recited a bracha on an original food will be covered as well, even if one did not have specific intention.

4. Food in another room, hidden away, or totally unexpected to be consumed at the current eating session will require a new bracha.

5. A bracha on a food that is always eaten along with another food, will cover the other food even if it is not currently present. For example, one who always drinks soda water when eating yogurt, may recite the bracha on the yogurt and the soda water will be covered even if it is not currently present.

I believe the above tips serve to answer your question and variations of it.



OC 206 and commentaries


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