Doubt regarding the blessing of “For the nourishment and the sustenance”
I ate a cake and immediately afterwards, there was a phone call. I am uncertain if I already recited the “for the nourishment and the sustenance” (“al hamichya”) blessing. Should I recite it again? I heard that in cases of doubt regarding the five grains, one should recite the blessing again.
One does not recite the blessing again when there is doubt whether it was already recited. Only in cases of doubt regarding the blessing after a meal, one should recite it again. However, in your case, it is advisable to consume a food item that requires the “for the nourishment and the sustenance” blessing, make a blessing over it, and then there won’t be any doubt.
Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim, Ch. 209, §3), Mishnah Berurah (ibid., subsection 10)

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