Al Hamichya during Purim and Chanukah
Why isn't there an addition for Purim and Chanukah in Al Hamichya?
Thank you for your question!
As you correctly note, when reciting the Birkat Hamazon on Purim and Chanuka, the “Al Hanissim," prayer is inserted which recalls the miracles of the holiday.
On the other hand, there is no such insertion in the “Al Hamichya” blessing recited after eating most other foods even though the Al Hamichya is meant to parallel the Birkat Hamazon in many ways. The Al Hamichya must be recited after eating (ke'shiur) the holidays foods of sufganiyot (Chanuka) and hamantaschen (Purim). So why is there no mention of “Al Hanissim?”
One answer to this inconsistency is that the "al hanissim" is a prayer of thanksgiving, which is why it is inserted into the “Nodeh lecha...” section of the Birkat Hamazon and in the "Modim" blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei, as Nodeh Lecha and Modim are prayers of thanksgiving in their own right. The "Al Hamichya" blessing, however, simply does not include a component of thanksgiving. As such, it can be suggested that the "Al Hanissim" is simply not compatible with the purpose and structure of the “Al Hamichya.”
Another answer is that the “Al Hanissim” insertion is on a much lower level of importance than the other holiday and seasonal insertions. This can be seen by the fact that if Al Hanissim is ever forgotten the prayer is not repeated, unlike most other insertions that must be repeated if forgotten, Therefore, due to this lower level of importance, it was not added to the Al Hamichya.
OC 208 with Levush, Kaf Hachaim and other commentaries.

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