Driving Lessons Before Shacharit
Is it permitted to do a driving lesson before shachris where there is no earlier mjnyan or is it preferable to rather daven beychidus
Thank you for your question.
As a general rule, one should not engage in any mundane activities before praying each morning, and in fact, one should not engage in mundane activities when there is any mitzva that one must currently perform. Indeed, the sages teach (Berachot 14a) that “Anyone who first prays and afterwards goes on his way, the Holy One grants him what he desires.” It is permitted to engage in matters of a mitzva before praying. (See for example, Mishna Berura 250:1; Kaf Hachaim 89:25)
Regarding the morning prayer, some rule that the ban on engaging in any activity before praying begins at the crack of dawn (Mishna Berura 89:8).
Sometimes it is preferable to pray alone before engaging in a mundane activity rather than to pray with a minyan after having taken care of one’s mundane needs. (Mishna Berura 89:20).
Bottom line regarding the driving lessons: it is better to pray alone before the lessons, and even more preferable, to pray at Neitz (sunrise).

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