Netilas Yadayim: Lefty
How should a lefty wash netilas yadayim before eating bread?
Thank you for your question.
As a general rule, netilas yadayim is performed by first pouring water onto the right hand. One then washes the left hand, this is done two, times. The cup is filled with water whole being held in the right hand and then passed to the left hand to begin the washing cycle.
It is explained that the right hand is
washed first due to the Kabbalistic consideration that the right side
(kindness) and the left side represents
justice). By beginning
netilas yadayim
by pouring from the
left hand onto the right hand we symbolize our hope that G-d deal with us in
kindness rather than in strict justice.
Regarding what to do if one is a lefty, the Mishna Berura writes that a lefty
should do the same as a righty. This is because the symbolism regarding left and
right mentioned above is unrelated to whether one is a right or lefty in day-to-day
activities. We all desire that kindness will overpower justice, and hence, even
a lefty follows the same procedure when it comes to washing the hands.
There is some discussion, however, what a lefty should do when it comes to mitzvot such as shaking lulav and etrog and many others, a topic beyond this response. So too, on a related note, there is much discussion on how one who is ambidextrous should wear the tefillin.
Mishna Berura 4:22; Magen Avraham 158:1

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