Haircut before minchah
Is one allowed to get a haircut before minchah (the afternoon prayer)?
It is permitted to get a haircut at a barber shop before the minchah prayer. The reason for that is brought in the Magen Avraham (a commentary to the Shulchan Oruch), which states thus: “Even though the Mishnah clearly says that it is forbidden to get a haircut before prayer, the reason is that the scissors might break, and eventually he’ll be late for prayer. But if he has two or three pair of scissors, it’s unlikely that all of them will break, and one is allowed to get a haircut.” And the same applies to a barber who usually has several shavers and knows how to cut hair with scissors as well. So, it’s permitted.
But to cut hair at home is, generally speaking, forbidden [before prayer]. But for someone who has several shavers it’s permitted.
Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 232; Magen Avraham, ibid., subsection 3; Mishnah Berurah, ibid., subsection 6
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