History of Circumcision
I’ve heard from some people that Circumcision has pagan origins in Egypt and many Egyptologist have confirmed that prior to the covenant of Abraham circumcision was indeed practiced by ancient Egyptians and other non Jewish groups around the world. Is that an issue if other civilizations and non Jewish tribes practiced circumcision even prior to the covenant.
Thank you for your question.
Yes, it is likely that the practice of circumcision pre-dates the Jewish people. But that is irrelevant. We circumcise ourselves because G-d commanded us to do so. It became the sign of a Jew on his body.
This is somewhat similar to the case of the rainbow. There is a dispute among our sages as to when the rainbow was created. According to some commentators, the rainbow was only created after the story of the flood (the story of Noah in Genesis chapter 9) and was designated as G-d’s promise never to flood the world. According to other commentators, the rainbow was already in existence, but, after the flood, became the designated sign of G-d’s promise not to destroy the world.
So too, with circumcision. It does not matter who did it first or when. It became designated as the sign of the Jewish people. Even if non-Jews decide to perform the mitzvot of the Torah, it will make no difference to us, and we will continue to do so, as it is what G-d commended us to do as His nation.
In other words, it is not our business or care what the nations of the world od or why they do it. Indeed, any non-Jew who performs circumcision will tell you they do so for medical and health considerations. No one suggests that they are doing it for religious considerations. The Jewish people on the other do It for religious considerations, and any medical or health benefits are merely a “bonus.”

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