Advice About a Girl
I did a bad thing to a girl. I lied about my looks because of my insecurities. I’m trying my best to get her back. I’m lost.
Thank you for your question.
As you can see, lying is never worth it. A liar will always get caught in his lies. It appears that you understand this and regret what you did. May you be successful in the future in this regard.
Obviously, the only think you can do is to apologize to the girl She will hopefully forgive you. But keep in mind, if she really doesn't like the way you look, there is little that can change that. Even a sincere apology cannot change people's preferences.
Don't take it personally. Everyone has different "tastes" as to what they deem attractive or not. You will find someone who appreciates you for who you are.
Hang in there. Pray to G-d and do good deeds.

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