Proper Dress for Prayer (Women)


Can I daven if I am not tznius



Thank you for your question.

One is required to be dressed appropriately (tzniut) at all times, especially when praying. Indeed, the prophet Michah tells us that God wants us to “walk modestly” with Him. This is a requirement to be modest, even when alone, because, ultimately, one is never alone: G-d is always present.

Therefore, a woman should have the area below her neck covered, her arms covered at least to the elbows, and her knees covered.

Here some other rules on the manner one should be dressed when praying, the common denominator here is that one should dress in manner for prayer as one would dress when appearing before important people:

As a general rule, one should not pray in pajamas, though one who is ill is permitted to do so.

One should not pray in outer-wear such such a raincoat, boots, or gloves unless absolutely needed due to the cold, and the like.

Many women wear robes while at home. A woman may pray in such robes if she would also wear them outside the house if needed.

A woman may pray or recite blessings in front of others who are dressed immodestly, as long as their intimate area is covered.

The laws of dressing modesty begin from around the age of 3 years old.

However, when reciting Brachot a woman may recite a Bracha however she is dressed, if she is a married women then her hair would need to be covered.

In addition to the above, a married woman should have her hair covered at all times.


Berachot 24a; Rambam, Hilchot Kriat Shema 3:16; OC 75:1; MB 75:10, 91:11,12; Chazon Ish, O.C. 16:8


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