

Is microblading eye brows allowed? Is it tatoeage? Thanks.



Thank you for your question!

You are correct in assuming that microblading is a form of tattoo.

First of all, let us begin by defining what exactly a tattoo is. According to Jewish law a tattoo is a scratch in the skin that is filled with ink. YD 180:1-3. Another qualification for a tattoo is that it be permanent (See for example Rashi to: Leviticus 19:28) while some authorities even rule that a "long term" tattoo would a Biblical violation.

If one of these two actions is not done, it is not a true tattoo, though doing even one of these actions might be forbidden for other reasons. For example, some argue that it is forbidden to write on one’s body with permanent ink even if one does not make scratches. (Minchat Chinuch 253) Others disagree.

Based on the above, temporary tattoos, such as henna designs, which are drawn on the skin and do not last more than a few weeks would be permitted. So too, if need be, one is permitted to write down a phone number or other piece of information on one’s skin if one does not have paper. Though, as mentioned, even "long term" markings should be avoided but one may be lenient in a time of need. (Pitchei Teshuva, YD 180)

Permanent makeup and microblading is actually not permanent. This is because such “tattoos” are only injected into the uppermost level of skin, called the epidermis, while for a tattoo to be permanent it must be injected into the deeper layer of skin, called the dermis.

Because of this, permanent makeup starts to fade after three to five years and continues until it is virtually gone. Microblading, permanent makeup for the eyebrows, is essentially the same idea.

Due to the similarity between microblading/permanent makeup and tattoos, it should not be done. There are grounds for leniency if doing so for medical considerations and for women who otherwise lost their hair and would be embarrassed not to have eyebrows. this would need to be further analyzed each case individually.


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