Shatnez: Sleeping Bags
Hello Rabbi. I saw on various shaatnez lists that sleeping bags require shaatnez checking, but those lists are about 10 years old if not more. I know it is possible the situation may have changed. May you please inform me of the current updated information if you have it.
Thank you for your question.
Indeed, sleeping bags are known to be a problem of Shatnez throughout the years.
They should be taken for testing at your local Shatnez lab just like clothing is taken for checking.
It is worth the trouble to check them.
The Chochmat Adam writes: “Whoever is careful to avoid shatnez will have the merit to wear the garments of salvation and righteousness.” The Pnei Zakan writes: “One who is careful to avoid shatnez will live a long life in this world and in the world to come...will give birth to righteous and healthy children, and he will merit to have all that is good in this world as well.”
See also Yoma 69a; Beitzah 14b.

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