Refund from childcare


We send our son to a private nursery. We paid the lady in advance for the whole year; we didn’t sign a written contract with her. There were several times when the lady couldn’t take our son (some days her daughter was sick, other times she herself was sick, etc.). She proposed that on the days that she can’t work, we take another childcare worker for that day, and pay her at our expense. The refund that she proposed to give is us for these days is to take our kid on a day that’s supposed to be a holiday, such as Channukah, etc. However, we are not interested in sending our son to childcare on those days, since my wife also has these days off, and we don’t need any help caring for our child. Can we demand a monetary refund from this lady, or can she really repay us by working on days when we don’t need her services? Thank you very much


If initially there was no agreement stating otherwise, you can demand a monetary refund from her.

Good luck!


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