Exploring the Divine: A Journey of Truth and Faith in Judaism


I want to know more about Judaism, I am from ex Muslim background, and for now I am an atheist, but I want to find the truth. Thank you.


Thank you for your question.

In Judaism, the pursuit of truth is seen as a lifelong journey aimed at recognizing the divine presence in a world where it might seem absent. This quest challenges us to look beyond the surface of nature, understanding that only a supreme being could orchestrate such a complex and beautiful existence. It is our goal to see through nature and realizes that only an almighty g-d could have created such an amazing world that is filled with such intelligence and beauty.
The Prophet Isaiah encapsulates this sentiment in Isaiah 40:26, urging us to "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these things, who brings out their host by number: He calls them all by names by the greatness of His might, for that He is strong in power; not one fails." This verse invites us to acknowledge the extraordinary intelligence and beauty that underpin our world, reinforcing the belief in a powerful, purposeful creator.

Therefore, I suggest beginning with the study the book of genesis (you can find in a Jewish book store a with English translation and explanation) which describes the how g-d created the world Follow this by exploring the journey of our forefather Abraham, who was in search of truth at a time when humanity predominantly worshiped idols. Abraham initiated a revolution, educating people about the creator of the world and the oneness of God.

Wishing you lots of success.

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