Embarking on a Cruise Close to Shabbat


Is it permissible to board a gigantic cruise ship on Friday to go on a cruise, when the majority of the passengers are non-Jews, and there is no fear of seasickness? Thank you in advance.


Even when there is no concern of desecrating the Shabbat — that is, the ship would set sail even without the Jews on board, and the majority of the passengers are non-Jews, it is forbidden to embark on a journey three days before Shabbos, unless it is for the sake of a mitzvah.
[Although some of the reasons for this prohibition do not apply to the ships of our day, there is a reason that does apply].
Please refer to the source.


There are six reasons given by the early authorities (see Shulchan Aruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 248 and Kaf HaChaim on Shabbat, section 15). The reason of the Tosafot (Eruvin 43) is also applicable in our


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